Family Man Fixes Problem! – or how getting ready for vacations is now much simpler with Money 4 Travel

Let me introduce William. He’s a dedicated family man and the breadwinner of his household. He loves travel and treasures it as a way of creating unforgettable memories with his loved ones. However, he’s often found himself facing a familiar and frustrating challenge — managing foreign currency for their trips.

Little did we know that William was one of the first credit unions members to use our Money 4 Travel foreign currency service.

Let us show you how it simplified his life and helped him make the most of his family vacations!

William’s story

As a family man, William has always understood the importance of meticulous planning. In fact, he loves the preparation almost as much as the vacation itself – except for organizing the travel money.

Foreign currency has always been a headache. Traditionally, it involved long queues, limited availability, and high fees. These used precious time and added unnecessarily to the family’s travel budget.

William wanted a streamlined solution delivering convenience and peace of mind. Enter Money 4 Travel. Recently integrated into their systems by his credit union, Money 4 Travel was the tailor-made package he’d been dreaming of. By making the ordering process easy and online, it has enabled families like William’s to focus on creating lifelong memories rather than worrying about logistics.

Now William enjoys a hassle-free experience from start to finish. Money 4 Travel is simple and convenient. He can place foreign currency orders directly from his mobile phone or PC. There is no more wasting hours in queues or on long phone calls.

It’s all done in just a few clicks. With the money ordered and a collection day confirmed, all he needs to do is turn up at his branch. Everything else, including payment, is done automatically. Now William can not only enjoy the vacation, but the planning and preparation too!

Money 4 Travel gets rid of the road blocks

For the bank customer or credit union member, the preference is easily understood. They’re going to look for a supplier offering Money 4 Travel.

For credit unions, consider your options. Continue with the cumbersome systems currently in place (and risk a steady loss of members) or innovate and get ahead.

Money 4 Travel doesn’t need expensive system upgrades. Operating from the cloud, it runs comfortably with your current systems and point of sale terminals. The whole process is automated – including ordering in currency not held in stock – so branch staff can reduce clerical tasks and spend more time engaging with customers, perhaps cross selling to other travel services like insurance.

Money 4 Travel really is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

To find out more about Money 4 Travel, watch this video and go to .

On our website you can request a call back or demonstration, and download an information pack.

Story and information by Bjorn Larsson, CEO at Essiell Ltd, the power behind Money 4 Travel. Essiell is a leading specialist in fintech solutions for retail travel money, financial control, information technology and data security, and compliance. In the story narrated above, any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely co-incidental.

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