The Adventurer and her (digital) Companion – or how a currency app saved the day

Imagine Nicola – a fearless adventurer who’s always had a burning desire to explore the world. Nicola’s passion for travel is unparalleled and she’s got used to solving most of the problems you’d expect on trips abroad.

Weirdly, with so much experience to fall back on, it seemed that the simplest task was always holding her back – getting foreign currency quickly and easily.

Little did she know that her life was about to change with the introduction of Money 4 Travel!

Blocked by bureaucracy, until…

Nicola is used to negotiating real-world experiences – all part of discovering new cultures, exotic cuisines, and breathtaking landscapes.

But some things nagged. Like time in queues for foreign currency, wondering about the fees, and negotiating collection times. She longed for an easy solution so she could prepare properly for her travels.

Imagine the joy when she discovered a new feature on her credit union’s website: Money 4 Travel .

A world at your finger tips

This new foreign currency service from Essiell is the ultimate travel companion. And as an online solution to her currency needs it has transformed Nicola’s life.

With just a few clicks on her mobile phone, Nicola gained access to a user-friendly platform where she can place her foreign currency order whenever and wherever she likes. No more wasted hours on phone calls or standing in queues!

The convenience doesn’t end there. Money 4 Travel’s in-branch point of sale platform makes it easy for her local credit union too. Nicola’s currency orders are instantly displayed, allowing the branch staff to provide prompt and efficient service. She no longer needs to worry about availability; if her branch doesn’t have the currency she needs, the system automatically connects with currency wholesalers to fulfil the order.

A genuinely seamless solution

You don’t have to be a digital nomad to benefit like Nicola. The real power of Money 4 Travel is that it works easily at every stage. So, not only can Nicola place her orders conveniently via her phone but collection from her credit union branch is simple too. Arriving at a pre-arranged time, the currency is already ready with the purchase made against her account – all she needs to do is pick it and head to the airport. The first time Nicola did this was a revelation. Now it’s a habit she treasures.

Nicola was fortunate – her credit union had adopted Money 4 Travel just in time for her next journey. What about customers who can’t access these benefits yet?

Are you or your members ready to follow in Nicola’s footsteps? Are you ready to unlock a world of travel convenience?  Join the Money 4 Travel revolution today and experience seamless foreign exchange like never before!

To find out more about Money 4 Travel, watch this video and go to .

On our website you can request a call back or demonstration, and also download an information pack.

Story and information by Bjorn Larsson, CEO at Essiell Ltd, the power behind Money 4 Travel. Essiell is a leading specialist in fintech solutions for retail travel money, financial control, information technology & data security, and compliance. In the story narrated above, any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely co-incidental.

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